We don’t often do news here at ninjarefinery.com but some games transcend even our rules on occasion! The Witcher 3 is absolutely one of those games, particularly when it comes to free updates and some that are coming soon. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been out a few years now, I’ve written about it, […]
Tag: Witcher
Replay: The Witcher 3
God damn it, I love the Witcher 3. Much like a high percentage of the gaming population, I’m a fan of The Witcher 3, and well by the series in general. I can’t lie and say I read all the books, and I know it’s basically a crime to say that you enjoy the Netflix […]
GWENT – So much change
GWENT, the in-game card game from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was released in beta, in 2017, and then fully, last year as a free-to-play game. I’ll be the first to admit that I spent way too many hours playing GWENT inside The Witcher 3. Literally playing against people for rare cards, repeating games until […]
Finished business
Sometimes we have an experience with something that ends up either being so profound, or perhaps exceptional, that we struggle to leave that world. I’ve had it happen with books, films, TV series and of course games. What’s the problem? As I mentioned before, sometimes, you just give up and get on with your […]
The dreaded pile of shame
I’d hazard that most gamers have one, I’d suggest that it sits in the back of our minds, and every new game purchase gives us that little extra guilt. That’s right, the pile of shame. Those games we bought and played but never finished, or got the DLC for but never played it. Worse still…….the […]