
A history of coffee in the UK

Coffee has a long and interesting history in the UK, dating back to the 16th century when it was first introduced to the country. Over the centuries, coffee has become a beloved beverage, with a rich and diverse culture surrounding it.

The origins of coffee in the UK can be traced back to the Ottoman Empire, where coffee was first cultivated and traded. In the 16th century, coffee was introduced to Europe, and it quickly gained popularity among the wealthy and educated classes. Coffeehouses began to spring up in cities like Venice, Paris, and London, where people could gather to drink coffee and socialize.

Coffee Cup Ninja


The first coffeehouse in the UK was established in Oxford in 1650, and it was followed by several others in London over the next few years. Coffeehouses quickly became popular gathering places for intellectuals, writers, and businessmen. They were places where people could discuss politics, philosophy, and current events over a cup of coffee.

By the 18th century, coffee had become a staple of British culture. Coffeehouses could be found in every major city, and they had become important centers of commerce and culture. They were places where people could meet to discuss business deals, exchange ideas, and even read the latest newspapers.

Coffee’s popularity continued to grow throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. In the late 1800s, instant coffee was invented, making it even easier for people to enjoy a quick cup of coffee at home or at work. By the mid-20th century, coffee had become a ubiquitous part of British culture, with coffee shops and cafes popping up all over the country.

In recent years, the UK’s coffee culture has continued to evolve, with an emphasis on high-quality, artisanal coffee. Today, the country is home to a thriving coffee scene, with independent cafes and specialty coffee shops serving up everything from single-origin pour-overs to latte art.

Gaming coffee - do they decaffeinate?


The history of coffee in the UK is a long and fascinating one, with a rich cultural legacy that continues to this day. From the first coffeehouses in the 17th century to the artisanal coffee shops of the 21st century, coffee has become an integral part of British culture and a beloved beverage for millions of people.

As we discussed earlier, coffee was first introduced to the UK in the 16th century, and by the 17th century, coffeehouses had become popular gathering places in major cities like London and Oxford. In those early days, coffee was typically imported from countries like Turkey and Yemen, and it was roasted on-site in coffeehouses or by individual merchants.

In the 18th century, however, coffee roasting began to emerge as a distinct profession. By this time, coffee had become a major import in the UK, and coffee roasting had become a specialized craft. Roasters began to open up dedicated shops, and coffee roasting became an important part of the country’s growing commercial landscape.

One of the earliest coffee roasters in the UK was John Edwards, who opened a coffee roasting business in London in 1750. Edwards’ coffee was highly regarded, and his business was successful enough that he was able to open a second shop in the city. Other notable coffee roasters from this period include James Hill in Manchester, who opened his roastery in 1771, and John Burton in London, who established a coffee roasting business in the early 19th century.

As coffee consumption continued to grow throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, coffee roasting became an increasingly important industry in the UK. In the early 20th century, companies like Lyons Coffee and Mellow Birds emerged as major players in the coffee roasting industry, and they were joined by a number of smaller, artisanal roasters in the latter half of the century.

Modern Coffee in the UK

Today, the UK is home to a thriving coffee roasting industry, with dozens of companies producing high-quality, artisanal coffee. From established companies like Union Hand-Roasted and Has Bean Coffee to newer entrants like Climpson & Sons and Square Mile Coffee Roasters, the UK’s coffee roasting scene is as diverse and dynamic as ever.

The history of coffee roasting in the UK is a long and fascinating one, with a rich tradition of craftsmanship and innovation. From the early coffeehouses of the 17th century to the modern coffee roasters of today, coffee roasting has played an important role in the country’s commercial and cultural landscape.

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