
Spider Man: Back into the swing of things

Finishing Spider Man last year was great. I had a great time, and wrote plenty about it.

It was bittersweet, though. I didn’t really want it to be over yet, and having only a few side-missions to deal with, I figured I’d just come back to it later.

Little did I realise that I’d get the DLC season pass (The City That Never Sleeps) for Christmas. Which allowed me to get all 3 of the post-release additional content packages.


The Heist

So far, I’ve finished the first episode, entitled “The Heist” and had a great time.

Learning more about the relationship between Spider Man and the Black Cat. Seeing plenty of new cinematics, diving back into the fray, only this time with the mob, or more specifically all of the maggia families in the city.

Side quests are much the same, with the addition of Screwball……. I can’t say I’m familiar with the character. She’s a social media-obsessed teen that somehow controls mobs or “fans”. Basically using you to get “views” online, by performing tasks to prevent bad things happening around the city.

New dialogue between Peter and MJ, Peter and Miles, too. Seeing the extended relationships, post-game is really nice. All too often do you see DLC basically forget what happened before the game, and just stop with character development.

Beyond that, it’s new suits and back to the superb city traversal. There was a topic that got touched upon, getting Peter to start considering being a father, and that added some real nice depth to his character.

It’s more Spider Man, and honestly, all I needed was another reason to play. I got what I wanted, with the addition of new story quests, new side quests and a continuation from the story I’d already finished.

Art heists and upsetting the mob aren’t exactly high-stakes, but it was a great way to get back on the horse and find my feet again. Remembering combos and the knack of timing swings took a few minutes!


Turf Wars

I’m a couple of missions into Turf Wars and I’ve found myself dealing with the persistently annoying Screwball again…..

Beyond that, though. Things seem a little more stark. Hammerhead is brutal, and people are actually being killed, even in cutscenes.

I have new bases to clear (my favourite side-activity), and I’m darting about just having fun.

There are plenty of hours left in Spider Man for me now, and I’ve invested a few in the past week. It feels great to be back, and I’m really looking forward to seeing how things pan-out.

When Turf Wars is finished, I’ll dive straight into “Silver Lining” and then I guess I’ll do a review of the DLC overall. Not something I really do. However, Spider Man is worthy of the time and effort.

Let’s see how it goes. More of the same might be a complaint in some games, but here, it’s exactly what I wanted! Additional narrative, deeper connections between characters, and a chance to see the sights again is all I really needed.

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