The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom was like a breath of fresh air, offering an experience that somehow goes beyond what its predecessor, Breath of the Wild, delivered. Not only revisiting the charm and vastness of Hyrule but enhances every aspect, making the familiar feel new and fresh. That first skydive from the […]
Tag: Zelda
Skyward Sword HD – Further Thoughts
I’m pretty pleased with myself. I haven’t dropped off Skyward Sword HD and I’m well past half-way now, I think? Better still, I’m really enjoying myself. Skyward Sword HD is a proper Zelda game, and whilst nothing will top Breath of the Wild for me, nor will the first time of Ocarina of Time of […]
Skyward Sword HD – Initial Thoughts
I love the Legend of Zelda series. Ocarina of Time was an absolute turning point in my gaming life, Breath of the Wild holds the heady title of my favourite game of all time, and I’ve a slew of other Zelda titles under my belt. Alas, I never had a Wii, and I never got […]
Visiting the past: Link’s Awakening
My first Zelda game was Link’s Awakening on the Gameboy. I didn’t really know what it was, but the box with a sword and shield on it seemed to be enough to make me want it. Bearing in mind I was 10 at the time, I had a love for the Zelda series kick-started and […]
Breath of the Wild – A Masterpiece
I’ve written multiple times of my love for the Legend of Zelda series. Beyond that, I’ve written about my need to “complete” Breath of the Wild and my reluctance to do so….. Well, I have. Kind of. How do you “complete” a game quite so large in scale as The Legend of Zelda -Breath of […]
Twilight Princess – Starting Again
After my Breath of the Wild binge recently, and my commitment to finishing all my Wii U Zelda games I’ve decided to tackle Twilight Princess before I relieve the joys of Wind Waker. If I’m honest, I’ve been dreading Twilight Princess. I remember being so disappointed in 2006 when I got into it. Dull and […]
The Wii U Tri-Fecta – Zelda time!
The Legend of Zelda has been at the centre of my gaming life for as long as I can remember. When I first got my Gameboy, the only game I wanted was The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening. I had no idea what it was, I just thought the box looked amazing. Bearing in mind […]
Finished business
Sometimes we have an experience with something that ends up either being so profound, or perhaps exceptional, that we struggle to leave that world. I’ve had it happen with books, films, TV series and of course games. What’s the problem? As I mentioned before, sometimes, you just give up and get on with your […]
The dreaded pile of shame
I’d hazard that most gamers have one, I’d suggest that it sits in the back of our minds, and every new game purchase gives us that little extra guilt. That’s right, the pile of shame. Those games we bought and played but never finished, or got the DLC for but never played it. Worse still…….the […]
Review: Hyrule Warriors
Who knew that a hack-and-slash style “Warriors” game could be so much fun?! Honestly, I didn’t have high expectations for this game, at all. I’ve played a couple of titles, a little bit, from the “warriors” games, and never really thought much of them. I enjoy the power trip of taking out swarm of enemy […]