
Blog: Looking backwards to move forwards

Here’s the thing.  I’m trying to calm the hell down on my almost ADHD levels of moving from game to game to game, for the sake of having something to write about.

Of course, the only pressure comes from me, and well, it doesn’t need to. Judging by the stats, it’s not like hundreds of people are hanging on, waiting for my next post. Although, it does look like I have a nice steady increase, which is awesome. Or, it could just be bots….

A change in approach

Anyway, in the past couple of weeks, I’ve started to cool off on my scattershot approach to trying to play everything under the sun, and found myself almost solely playing Warframe and PUBG. However, I’ve also found myself yearning to go back to play some remasters and backwards-compatible games.

Whilst I’ll get back to The Last of Us in due course, I’m really looking forward to some open-world single play games. Namely Sleeping Dogs (the definitive edition was free a few months ago) and Red Dead Redemption. I’ve played, finished and loved the games, but there’s something that’s calling me back that way.

Time well spent?

There’s a part of me thinks it’s a waste of time to re-play something.

Perhaps a renewed perspective on games I’ve previously enjoyed is a good thing. Time is nobody’s friend, and things can age terribly. Especially in the world of technology.

Maybe it’s nostalgia and the need to find myself in a familiar world for a little while, to cool off from my almost relentless pursuit of screenshots and opinions on some of the biggest games.

Money well spent?

I already have these games, there’s no cost but my time. So the impact is minimal, and that is something I can get on board with.

There’s also the definitive edition of the first Tomb Raider re-boot that I never originally finished, and I have my pile of shame, too.

Running the site, buying products and items to review, it all adds up, and my priorities in life can’t always be the latest title and the new DLC. Perhaps taking stock of what I’ve got and ensuring that I get some use out of that, is not just a new way to look at things, but a good business decision?

Moving on…..

So, to move forwards, I’ve decided to spend a bit of time looking backwards. I’m not chasing any new releases (I’d LOVE Monster Hunter Worlds at some point though….).

Whether or not I stick to it, whether or not it’s as fulfilling as I’m imagining, I don’t know.  But let’s see.  Not everything has to be the latest and greatest, and with services like Games with Gold, there are some gems that I have just sitting in my games library begging to be played.

Let’s see what comes of it!

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