2018 has seen a pretty slow content-feed so far. With the Christmas break, work, a holiday and doing a part-time degree at the same time, things sometimes get put onto the back-burner whilst real life has to take priority.
That’s not to say I’ve stopped writing or playing, it just means that the time I squeeze out of my days for here, doesn’t quite exist at the minute. There’s plenty coming, with a full review of Uncharted 4, a write-up on DOOM, a piece on the 3DS and a piece on the state of gaming in 2018.
Better still, I’ve sussed out the best way to get screenshots from your PS4 without a memory stick or anything too convoluted which is nice! So I’ll do a quick guide on that, too.
Next, I have No Man’s Sky to approach as a complete outsider, seeing how it is as a product after all the drama of the initial release. Is it any good? I’m hoping for some kind of peaceful space exploration sim, and I’m dying to name my first planet after the site! All being well, I’ll be hammering screen shots of that in the next week or so.
I’m planning on a lot more PUBG, I can’t remember the last time a game got its hooks in me like this. Constant improvement, so much fun with friends. I can’t see it getting boring anytime soon. Being in early access means I’m not going to review it yet, and honestly, until I get that oh-so important Chicken Dinner, I don’t feel qualified to write about it like that.
I’ve really been lacking in the non-game side of things here, and that’s due to change. I have a cupboard of new coffee’s to give a go, and honestly, I can’t wait!
One of my favorite local coffee roasters the Baytown Coffee Company are going to get some love, as well as a couple of their coffee’s, then I’ll go from there.
I’m struggling to write about music, I feel like I’m incapable, and I have no idea why. As such, I’m going to just focus on some of my all-time favourite albums to get those juices flowing.
Along with that, the next “inspired by” piece will be of a music site that I’ve been visiting daily since I was in my early teens, and I’m really looking forward to getting stuck-in on that.
All dressed up……
So, I have the ideas, I have the consoles and games, I have the coffee and albums, I just don’t have the time. It’ll be here soon enough, though, and honestly, I’m really excited about all the stuff to come.
Here we go!