In the past 10 years, I’d suggest that there are only 2 or 3 game worlds/universes that have completely taken me in. New ones at least.
They would be: Destiny, The Witcher 3 and Monster Hunter World.
Imagine my excitement, then, when two of these incredible worlds collide in a collaboration!
Geralt of Rivia is a visiting guest in Monster Hunter World! This my favourite cross-over since Marvel vs Capcom, or Super Smash Bros.
The moment this was revealed, I had to make sure I did all I could to get to a decent level, in case there were any caps.
While it does look like I’ll not get to experience everything because I haven’t hit HR50 yet, I have already filled the boots of Geralt. Taking on a really nice Witcher-esque quest.
I couldn’t think of a better combination right now, and this was a free update! Capcom seem to just be killing it right now, don’t they?
Sights and sounds
Sure, seeing Geralt, a Nekker and a Leshen is great. But there’s more to it. Everything is geared towards making this add-on feel like a quest in The Witcher 3.
Music, voice acting, sound effects, visual effects. Everything is here.
The juxtaposition between the bright and larger-than-life world of Monster Hunter World, and The Witcher 3 seems to work really nicely. The tone is a little different between the games, but mixing them together has been handled with care here and it just works.
Using Geralt’s Witcher senses to pick up clues instead of the usual Monster Hunter glow flies, is a really nice touch, and suits the gameplay nicely.
Beyond that, there are conversations with members of the research team, conducted like they would in The Witcher 3. The attention to detail and the work put in to make this a twist on the usual experience, is fantastic.
Every time I go to harvest something as normal, Geralt has a new voice line. Commenting on herbs and mushrooms, or monsters and potions. There’s been a lot of subtle thought put into this.
As an avid Insect Glaive user, being handed the sword and shield-style to use the silver sword is jarring. It does give the option to switch weapons. I just wouldn’t want to see Geralt flying around as a glaive user.
Looking forwards
I haven’t read anything beyond what I’ve experienced for myself, and my time was cut short, so I need to get back in and finish this quest!
To me, that’s a lot of fun and detail added for free, and I’m a happy guy with just that.
Being honest, I’m hopeful that there’s an armor set for Geralt, and maybe perhaps even an appearance from Ciri. She has already been mentioned, which is a promising sign, I think?
If I can get an armor set, I’ll drop my Assassin’s Creed Layered armor, and my Odogaron set in a flash. Rocking Witcher gear, regardless of stats and perks is totally the way I’d go.
After the quest, I guess I might be able to re-run it? Maybe craft the silver sword and have a decent sword and shield option?
I’ll working towards that HR50, and I’m not sure when the event ends, so hopefully I can grind a bit and see what else opens up to anyone 50+
Assuming that this quest is the only thing I can do, how can I be anything but happy with what I’ve been handed? A well thought-out, well crafted crossover event between two of my favourite gaming universes. For no cost.
The Witcher 3 took my by complete surprise, much like Monster Hunter World has done. Now I’m in the middle of a crossover. What great time to be a fan of either series!
If you’ve ever been on the fence about either, you can get them both for bargain prices, and you’ll not regret getting stuck-in to either one.
Two rich universes with fun and deep gameplay. You’re set to lose hours to either. This combo is just the icing on the cake really.
I know Geralt seems to be whoring himself out to games where he can, but that’s fine with me. More please!