
Fallout 4 – So far, so good

I’ve hit about 15 hours in-game now and got a good feel for it. It still doesn’t “feel” like a Fallout game, at least not 100%.  Much slicker movement and shooting and what feels to be a fast pace, in general, it feels like a first-person-action-shooter with RPG elements.  This isn’t a bad thing, I […]


Fallout 4 – Let’s get started

Fallout 4 has been on my “need to play at some point” list for quite a while now, and with me wrapping up Batman Arkham Knight, I’ve time to give it a run, before Destiny 2 hits and takes over my life. [wpdevart_youtube]kiXHOXWA98E[/wpdevart_youtube] I’ve been doing short, early-morning streams of my initial progress, and starting […]