
Welcome to KilltheKage.com

This is the new hub for all things KilltheKage.

All YouTube videos from my channel will be put here, all Twitch Streams will eventually be viewable from here, all blog posts, photos and nonsense from me will be posted here, in one place.

It’s all just a big experiment, I’m trying out WordPress, I’m trying out a YouTube channel, I’m trying out Twitch and I’m always creating snippets of songs, harking back to my days in The Heroic and writing/recording/performing music.

This is all just for me and my narcissism I suppose, but anyone is welcome comment and peruse whatever’s here.

Everything here will change and shift as I learn and play, but this is where everything will be from now on.  No more dodgy Tumblr site, no half-assed Myspace nonsense.


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