I spent the latter part of my 20’s and these first couple of years in my 30’s, almost exclusively trying different burgers in different places, when out for a meal.
Why? Well, why not? I love a good burger, and the variation between restaurants is ridiculous.
I aim to find the greatest burgers that are available, and to share the wealth.
Well, it’s my site, I like writing my thoughts on stuff, and, well……I want to!
Burger reviews will become a part of killthekage.com as of now, and I’ll document everything here.
I’ve never had a burger, where should I begin?
There are two answers here for me. Fast-food is a beautiful thing, and being so ubiquitous these days, it means we’re always within reach of some great places to eat a decent burger.
My advice would be to hit a Five Guys (hands-down the best fast-food burger available), or go get the XL Bacon Double Cheese from Burger King.
If you can’t get to those, the standard double cheeseburger at McDonald’s is a great starting point. Certainly not luxury or top-end, but it tastes great and it’s consistent throughout all of their restaurants.
You can’t go wrong with any of these.