
Inspired by – NoClip

My second “Inspired by” piece is a little broader than just the “NoClip” name, it’s actually more about the man behind the project and how I’ve followed his career, being inspired over and over by the quality of his work, his obvious passion and of course his delivery.

That man is Danny O’Dwyer, a gaming journalist and video producer that has entertained me for years, through his work at Gamespot, through to his now solely Patreon-funded company “NoClip” which make in-depth, interesting and entertaining gaming documentaries.

Honestly, following his career has not only educated me, but it’s inspired me.


Towing the line

I have to be really careful here, because this could easily come across as some kind of creepy love-letter from an internet stranger, and that really isn’t the case.

I want to be able to share the excellent work that Danny has done over the past few years, help raise awareness of his newest project, and show a little bit of love for someone that has helped me see that it’s fine to just do what you want to do, as long as there’s heart in it.

So, this isn’t intended to be anything other than a sign of admiration and respect for one of the very few internet personalities that I actually have any time for.

The point

Danny O’Dwyer wrote and produced a lot of content during his tenure at Gamespot, with my favourite shows being “The Point” and “Escape From Mount Stupid”.


It’s always been a combination of the quality of the content, the quality of the edit and the sincerity/humour that he delivers everything, with.  Seeing someone my age talking about games seriously, talking about history and how games impact the players.

The content has never been about chasing the latest trend, or even keeping up with the latest releases, but about treating the medium with the care and attention that it deserves.

Delivering thoughtful, honest content in a way that is approachable and seemingly effortless, I’ve taken-in more gaming content created by Danny than anyone else online, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

I feel like I’m not quite of the generation that adores YouTubers and consumes online videos at a fast pace.  I prefer sincere content than I do a stream of the latest “hot” game on Steam.  So my tolerance for these personalities is very low.  Having said that, anything that Danny puts out gets a watch from me.



I’ve kind of accidentally followed Danny’s career, not really intending to follow him at all, just becoming a fan of certain Gamespot shows, and then wanting to see where they go next.  His voice and opinion in gaming matters, and it’s as simple as that.  A trusted and genuine voice, not afraid to go against the crowd if it’s required.

Frankly, one day I’d like to feel that I’d written something that would be considered adequate to the high standards with which he delivers all of his content.  I’ve toyed with thought-pieces in the past, and got several half-written bits that need some love, and one day, I’d like feel satisfied that it might be of a similar level.

Not only that, but I like to think that I write with similar goals, albeit to a non-existent audience on a tiny platform.  I want to be honest, sincere and to give people content that they can actually use in some way, or at the very least spark a thought or conversation.

Seeing Danny deliver consistently over the years has been one of the key driving factors in me getting over my fears and doubts about trying to write about games.  Not because I think I can do better, but because I think there should be more honest voices tackling gaming from a less conventional perspective, giving it the time and attention that it deserves.


Danny’s latest venture is the gaming documentary company NoClip.  Creating massive in-depth looks at the creation of games.

Visiting developers, talking to the actual people the made the games, not the marketing department.  Getting the stories of the highs and lows, pulling back the curtains to let us have a peek at what goes on.

We get to see the love, passion and hard work that goes into making games from Rocket League, to The Witcher 3 and DOOM.  Even showing how a GTA Online crew operates both in-game and in real life.


Gaming is much much more than just sitting down at a computer or console and playing shooting digital monsters and soldiers, and NoClip gives us the insight into that.

I’d highly recommend subscribing to the NoClip YouTube channel, and of course becoming a patron over at the NoClip Patreon.



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