It’s no secret that I loved Monster Hunter World. I’ve written about it enough and I’ve certainly played it enough over the past few years. So Monster Hunter Rise is an obvious candidate for me to get excited about.
Coming out at the end of March on the Nintendo Switch, Monster Hunter Rise has put out a free demo for people to play.
I won’t lie, I’ve been excited about Monster Hunter Rise since it was announced. However, it’s a Switch game, so I had my doubts about what it might look/play like. I mean, look at the Monster Hunter games currently available. Perfectly playable, and sticking to the amazing Monster Hunter formula. But they look a little erm…..janky.
Also, in light of recent big game releases cough Cyberbunk 2077 cough not cutting the mustard, I think it’s a massive testament for Capcom to put out a demo. Not only that, but the demo is available to play for several weeks!
So, yeah. Monster Hunter Rise is the only game I’ve been playing on my Switch recently.

Rise and Shine
Holy crap. Monster Hunter Rise looks and plays incredibly! Honestly, it feels so much like Monster Hunter World, I can’t quite get my head around it.
I’ve been on a few hunts with four people and not found any lag (remember you’re likely playing on a Switch wirelessly…), or frame drops. Even when the action is getting intense.
Animations are smooth, monsters move with heft and weight, or grace and ease. Honestly, this is pure Monster Hunter gold.
Now, I’m an Insect Glaive main, and I love that high-mobility style. However, Monster Hunter Rise is mixing it up a bit. There’s mobility for everyone! Thanks to the new wirebug, you can launch yourself upwards and forwards, opening up all weapon styles to a little bit more versatility. That means I’ve been branching out and trying other weapons, because I can still fly about and dodge around in the air. Very cool.
Palicoes are back! I’ll have Beau ready to go in no time. But now, you have a Palamute, too. A dog that you can ride. And again, this enables quicker traversal, regardless of your weapon choice. Running up vines, drifting around corners, picking up items on the go. What a game changer the Palamute is!
Add to that, the new “Wyvern riding” skills, and you’re literally able to wrangle some of the monsters in-game, and steer them around/use them for combat. It’s freakin’ cool!
Honestly, Monster Hunter Rise seems, to me, like a massive leap on a lesser-powered console and I can’t quite get my head around that.
I just need to get comfortable with the controls. Everything feels a little “off” so I’m spending a lot of time in the menus, tweaking and changing things until it’s comfortable.

Monster Hunter
Granted, I’m a relative newbie when it comes to Monster Hunter, having only really played Monster Hunter World. But I think we might find that Monster Hunter Rise is the most accessible release in the series, yet.
Getting my head into Monster Hunter World was no mean feat. I’d suggest that the first 20 hours were actually a learning curve. None of it really “clicked” until that point. Then, when it all sank in, I was sucked into it in a big way.
The tutorial in the demo is clear, and easy. It’s useful, too. So hopefully the learning curve isn’t quite so steep. But, at the same time, Capcom seems to be adding all the depth and lessons learned from supporting Monster Hunter World for so long.
Layered armour is a big thing, letting you have the function of all those cool builds, but they styles that you choose. Weapon diversity is changing, with new moves and the addition of wire bugs.
It feels to me like a true Monster Hunter game, but possibly better than any that have come before.
I could be wrong. My experience with the series is limited. But I already feel that sense of awe and wonder. I’m seeing quality of life changes that otherwise bugged me a little in Monster Hunter World.
If Monster Hunter Rise is as good as it looks to be shaping-up to be, this is going to be something special. A premium Monster Hunter experience, available on the go!
Suffice it to say, I’m genuinely excited. Not hyped-up like the Cyberpunk fans were. But having had tangible experience with the game, I feel like we’re know exactly what we’re getting. And that is a rarity these days!

Release day looms
I very very rarely pre-order games these days. Especially physical copies. But Monster Hunter Rise deserves my patronage, and for some reason, I want that steelbook! So I’ve gone and done it. I’ve ordered it directly from Nintendo.
Anyone that knows me, knows I’d rather get a digital code, or find the best price through something like but not this time. I want a physical, tangible copy of Monster Hunter Rise.
If rumours of an eventual PC release are true, that might open this game up on a whole new level, too. I just hope they allow cross-progression, because not being able to carry all my progress in Monster Hunter World from Xbox to PC prevented me from re-buying and diving back in. That’s been a real bummer.
I genuinely can’t remember the last time I was actually excited by a game release! I feel like a teenager again. How cool is that?
Now, I need some Switch-owning Monster Hunter friends….but sod it, I’ll play in public lobbies and progress regardless.
26th March 2021 is going to be a good day!