Monster Hunter Now Banner

Quick Look: Monster Hunter Now

Niantic’s ongoing quest to replicate the monumental success of Pokémon Go has led to numerous attempts, but it’s Monster Hunter Now that might finally break through. From the moment I was greeted by the iconic “Proof of a Hero” theme song on the game’s home screen, it became evident that Monster Hunter Now was a […]

Iceborne Banner

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

I’ve written plenty about Monster Hunter World over the past couple of years, and now I’ve managed to finally get hold of Iceborne. The massive expansion released last year. Monster Hunter World is a game that I’ve grown to love like very few others. I mean, what’s not to love about smashing giant aggressive monsters […]


Blog: Nice problems to have

I have a problem……I’ve found myself in a strange place recently, but a great one. I’m jumping between two different games, that are actually both wonderful and near perfect in terms of execution and the fun I’m having with them. Sure, I’m dipping into PUBG which has gone from strength to strength over the past […]