It’s been a little quiet here recently. Mostly due to just struggling for time to get things written-up.
We’ve got some bits on Tears of the Kingdom, Exoprimal, coffee, Phoenix Point and plenty of other stuff in the works. But…..there’s a sister site to now.
So yeah….I don’t have time for this site, but now I can run two? is a much easier setup and it’s being run in collaboration with friends over at and
What’s it about?
Well, you can head to the site and see for yourself if you’d like. Or look no further! is another gaming review site. Wow……so original. As the name suggests, it’s about reviews for games that we’ve never played. Future releases, past franchises, you name it. Nothing at is really real.
Initially I wanted it to be satire. Review scores are stupid, metacritic and the likes are ruining the industry by developers and publishers using it to hold bonuses hostage for the people that actually make games. So why not feed into it, try and bump-up those scores?
Then, everyone is a critic…..I mean. I pretend, too. So imagine the usual fanboy raving about something that they’ve never actually partaken in. That’s the internet, right? is kinda intended to mock that, too.
All AI-written content about things we know nothing about. Because that’s all a lot of online discourse is these days anyway. Let’s do it better, and ideally help laugh at the state of these things.
Lots of reasons really. All of the above, but then more personal motivations, too.
Have you ever started something and learned so much about it along the way, you wish you could start fresh and “do it right”? Well, I’ve been running this site for a while. Mostly because I wanted to see how I could do things.
Engaging with PR companies, setting-up a store, creating content and creating a small “brand” if you will. It’s been a teeny-tiny success, based purely asking myself if I could do something.
This site needs a lot of work to square it up, though. Victim of winging it every day, there’s a lot not right with it. And whilst I’ve been able to make money of paid posts, and things, adverts have never been an aim for
I want to become a high-volume traffic site, with some ads, affiliate links and other bits. So I can turn it into something that helps be a little more consistent in terms of an income. Running to fund
It might not work! But I got the domain for a quid and I already have hosting anyway. So at worst I lose some time and a quid. At best, it becomes something that generates a few quid in ad revenue and affiliate pay-outs and funds everything I want to do.
What’s going to change here?
Nothing really. isn’t about taking things away from here. It’s to support it.
I do want to re-design it, but we’re so deep into the way things are here, it’s a big task.
We’ll be back to streaming, updating store content and writing sincere, real reviews and opinions here. Hopefully funded by instead of out of my own pocket. And it means I don’t have to try links and adverts here.
That’s it. It’s not a major revelation, although clicks on links and visits to the site would be amazing, so I can start to see if it’s a worthwhile endeavour.
Take a look and see. Hell, recommend content if you’d like?
On have good review for new games. They did a great job.
Is your sister site single? Asking for a friend.