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Going into Monster Hunter Wilds

We’re just over a month away. The pre-order is in and we have 2 open beta opportunities beforehand. Monster Hunter Wilds is in sight!

I’m torn between going into the betas and watching everything I can, and keeping my nose out of it all.

Chances are, if I can play it, I will. So there will be some kind of write-up on those. But. Let’s approach this one differently to how I approached Monster Hunter Rise.

Monster Hunter Wilds - Story snapshot

Big hunts

In Monster Hunter, my favourite thing to do is to SOS and go. Bring in allies and take down those big chaps. I like to respond to flares, too and offer support.

I want to try to solo things a bit more. Getting acquainted with the monsters one on one. The roster in Wilds is currently looking quite solid (plenty to be revealed, and no doubt loads added post-release).

Wilds is aiming for a more seamless world. Not a mission/hunt-based approach. So, now it’s about exploring and surviving. Back-to-back hunts and living the hunter life. That means, unlocking waypoints (camps, presumably) will be a massive focus, and way more important than before.

Becoming an explorer and accepting I won’t just return to base after every hunt, is a big shift in gameplay and personal approach. Fewer loading screens, more focus on preparation and likely inventory management.

Monster Hunter Wilds is pretty much forcing me to shake it up, anyway. I like it all in concept, lets see how this shift in the core game-loop impacts things as we get stuck in.

It looks like Rathian and Rathalos are confirmed already, which is great news, because I love fighting them. I wonder what new moves they have up their sleeves in Monster Hunter Wilds? Can you imagine exploring, surviving and then encountering a Tempered Rathian just around the corner? It’s going to be rough, but it’s genuinely exciting.

Monster Hunter Wilds - Seikret dropping in

Wild Ride

I didn’t like the feel of the Insect Glaive in the last beta. And whilst I’ll try again, I think it’s a good place to commit to a new weapon. Particularly with Wilds introducing the ability to bring 2 weapons out to hunt. It feels like it’s time to start fresh!

I don’t like heavy weapons, or rather, slow weapons. So fast and/or ranged is the way. It feels like I should finally go with the Dual Blades and properly commit to the bow. Close-up, rapid damage, followed by ranged support for when I’m with others.

With the bow I can support parties, giving elemental damage and working on poison and paralysis. Whilst maintaining some pace, to escape some of the big buggers!

Riding the Seikret in Monster Hunter Wilds is clearly key to exploration. Given how flexible it can be when navigating verticality and the breadth of the world. Exploration and survival will be intrinsically linked to whatever I can carry on myself and my Seikret. So multi-weapon mastery is going to be crucial.

Feed me

Monster Hunter these days is synonymous with gorgeous-looking food, and Monster Hunter Wilds is no different.

Cooking pre-hunt used to be the play. Get a meal to offer buffs and protections, based on what you’re going for. Not now, though. Wilds is giving you that open world exploration. So it’s remembering to eat, and keeping an eye on those buffs, making sure they don’t run out at a critical time.

From the clips and the previous beta. The food of course looks incredible, and I can’t wait to get those mouth-watering dishes going on the campfire.

Monster Hunter Wilds is changing the core gameplay here again and adjusting from the hunt-base-hunt flow is going to take some getting used to.

Monster Hunter Wilds - Eat up


I’ve really tempered my expectations and excitement on this one, until this week….. After being super-keen on Monster Hunter Rise (I love that game) at launch. I’ve taken a step back and just want to experience it as it comes out.

However…..starting to write this lead to a little bit of research, and now I’m getting hyped-up for Monster Hunter Wilds like I hadn’t anticipated.

Sure, this will mean there’s going to be a lean to Wilds content here and over at but that’s fine with me. Monster Hunter hasn’t ever let me down, and I’m not such an old veteran that I hate changes to the old core loop.

Capcom are going big and shaking things up. I’m down to support that and see how the experience feels, for sure. It’s exciting to think we’re on the verge of something new and substantial.

Hopefully Capcom have improved matchmaking and hunting with friends, too. Because I know people who would love it once they get into it, but Monster Hunter can be quite daunting to get into and when it’s awkward to group up, it’s ruins the on-boarding.

Monster Hunter Wilds is officially our 2025 most-anticipated game now, and we’re all-in.

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